This week weve had picnic in the park, lots of paddling pool fun, buying new settees and baking.
The park/woods/fields are free and little lovelys really do enjoy it, more so then a day out having lots of money spent/wasted on them.
We went to the park with Eva's friend from playgroup and her Mommy. We all took a picnic(Mandy brings cake every time, which is sooooooooooooooo yummy, i can't wait for my next fix), and started off on the play area, which was lovely as it was only us there. Then had some food, another little play and we then went for a play on the big field. Jack had a run around, playing tig, then was so shattered he sat in his Graco Symbio pushchair and looked so chilled out watching us run around like nutters. I'm not sure who had more fun, Me and Mandy, or Eva and Tabbi. We played tig, football, horsey rides, piggy back races, bunny hops, being horses, the list goes on. The kids had a couple of little arguments, but were over them before we even had chance to say anything to them, and it was just lovely. The time ran away with us.
I really would recommend taking the kids out, forget being a grown up, act like a kid, have fun, who cares who's watching, children aren't children for long, so make the most of it. I have vowed to do it once a week, as it really benefitted Me, Eva and Jack. No technology, no toys, back to basics playing, which we do lose sight of how much fun it really is.
We've done baking, cakes and biscuits. Eva loved doing the biscuits the best, as she loves rolling out the dough and using the cutters to make shapes. And of course we had to decorate them with icing, sugar stars and pink glitter(edible of course). I let Eva do the weighing the ingrediants(with a bit of help from mommy) the mixing, the getting stuck in with her hands, rolling, and cutting. I do have to bite my tongue as it comes so naturally to say "no Eva, don't do that" or "no this is what you need to do". Really who cares if they don't look or taste perfect. As long as it's fun that really is all that matters. Let them do their thing, they are learning, working out what they think works best. And when she had finished decorating them(some with faaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr to many decorations no, others nearly bare) Eva was so so proud giving one to Mommy, Daddy and Jack. The mess is definately worth it, just for that priceless look on a little face :-D So next time your baking, take a back seat, let them do their thing, i promise you, it really will be worth it for "that look".
With the weather being warm, we've been making the most of our £2.50 paddling pool i had to rush out and buy on thursday. Jack won't get in, but loves splashing with his hands...and throwing everything he can find it was Eva's sandles, as well as the dogs toys. Eva made me put the slide into it, which i was so jealous that i cant actually fit down the slide, as i used to love doing this as a kid. She's had a whale of a time, fingers crossed we get more of the good weather, so we can have more paddling pool fun.
Saturday we went to look at settee's, ready for moving into our new house, which is starting to look more homely, and closer to being finished. Ended up buying them. They were the ones i had seen online, but instead of the standard 3 and 2, we've ordered a FOUR!!!!!(i still need to measure it will fit) seater, and a mega comfy huge(fits 2 people) swivel chair. I can't wait to snuggle up on their to watch a soppy film, or read a good book.
So thats been our week. Here's to another fun filled week ahead...(the 6 week holidays have never meant anything to me before, with my little lovelys not being at school yet, but Eva starts nursery in september, and i keep forgetting. She will love it, i'm dreading it, I can't imagine not spending everyday watching her grow, exploring new things together...I will be so jealous of her teachers getting to see this while i'm not there)
Loren x
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Handprint Crowns/Head dresses
What you need:
Newspaper or a waterproof tablecloth to cover your table or floor.
Card: You can buy this from arty and crafty shops, or as we chose to do this last minute, we improvised with cereal boxes.
Paint: Yellow or gold(or any colour you like) for the main crown
Different colours for finger print jewels
Decorations: Feathers, Stick of jewels, Tissue Paper
Sticky tape to tape it together.
Paint a thick straight line horizontally across your card in yellow or gold. Then add hand prints all the way along, to make the spikes of the crown.
Next add finger print jewels where ever you wish.
Once dried cut around the hand prints to make your crown shape. You can then add your other decorations. We used feathers.

Then tape the ends together to fit childs(or adults) head, and hey presto.
A fun yet simple activity. Jack joined in and just sat painting his card, but Eva really enjoyed doing the hand and finger prints and then sticking on the feathers. She wore her crown with such pride afterwards, and we all played princes and princesses for the rest of the afternoon.
Hope you enjoy it :-D
Loren xx
Newspaper or a waterproof tablecloth to cover your table or floor.
Card: You can buy this from arty and crafty shops, or as we chose to do this last minute, we improvised with cereal boxes.
Paint: Yellow or gold(or any colour you like) for the main crown
Different colours for finger print jewels
Decorations: Feathers, Stick of jewels, Tissue Paper
Sticky tape to tape it together.
Paint a thick straight line horizontally across your card in yellow or gold. Then add hand prints all the way along, to make the spikes of the crown.
Next add finger print jewels where ever you wish.
Once dried cut around the hand prints to make your crown shape. You can then add your other decorations. We used feathers.

Then tape the ends together to fit childs(or adults) head, and hey presto.
A fun yet simple activity. Jack joined in and just sat painting his card, but Eva really enjoyed doing the hand and finger prints and then sticking on the feathers. She wore her crown with such pride afterwards, and we all played princes and princesses for the rest of the afternoon.
Hope you enjoy it :-D
Loren xx
Monday, 25 July 2011
Matey Bubble Bath, Now that takes me back
We were shopping in Morrison’s last week, buying some shower gel, and Eva spots and picks up Matey bubble bath "please can I have this mommy". How could I say no, she asked to nicely, and I used to LOVE Matey as a child. It was the Mer-Matey one that had caught Eva’s eye.
Didn't take long after we got home for her to be asking for a bath, i took the lid of, and mmmm the smell was just divine. Eva helped me pour the bubble bath in, which immediately started foaming. Eva was so excited at how many bubbles there were.
After a temperature check I put both Eva and Jack into the bath. They both love bubbly baths, so the three of us sat for ages getting bubbles on our hands and blowing them.
Then Eva got the jug and some cups that we use for washing hair etc and started making me drinks.
Eva: "Mommy do you want a cup of squash"
Me: "Oh yes please"
Eva: "I’ll make sure it’s very bubbly for you"
At this point I was gobsmacked that we still had a bath full of bubbles. With other bubble baths we have used until now, a few blows of the bubbles, then a few pours of drinks and the bubbles have gone. With Matey the bubbles were still in full swing as the plug was pulled out and the water drained away. But hey Matey has been about since 1958, so they really have perfected the perfect bubble bath.
I've even been using it in my baths now, as there is nothing nicer at the weekend, then getting my lovely's in bed, and having a nice hot bubble bath with a good book.
I will definitely be recommending Matey, and how easy to drop into conversation "remember Matey bubble bath from when we were kids...Well we've been using it and it’s fantastic, so bubbly, and a true blast from the past"
Didn't take long after we got home for her to be asking for a bath, i took the lid of, and mmmm the smell was just divine. Eva helped me pour the bubble bath in, which immediately started foaming. Eva was so excited at how many bubbles there were.
After a temperature check I put both Eva and Jack into the bath. They both love bubbly baths, so the three of us sat for ages getting bubbles on our hands and blowing them.
Then Eva got the jug and some cups that we use for washing hair etc and started making me drinks.
Eva: "Mommy do you want a cup of squash"
Me: "Oh yes please"
Eva: "I’ll make sure it’s very bubbly for you"
At this point I was gobsmacked that we still had a bath full of bubbles. With other bubble baths we have used until now, a few blows of the bubbles, then a few pours of drinks and the bubbles have gone. With Matey the bubbles were still in full swing as the plug was pulled out and the water drained away. But hey Matey has been about since 1958, so they really have perfected the perfect bubble bath.
I've even been using it in my baths now, as there is nothing nicer at the weekend, then getting my lovely's in bed, and having a nice hot bubble bath with a good book.
I will definitely be recommending Matey, and how easy to drop into conversation "remember Matey bubble bath from when we were kids...Well we've been using it and it’s fantastic, so bubbly, and a true blast from the past"
Taken from
“Matey is specially developed for kids so the formulations are gentle and kind to sensitive skin, they even have added moisturisers from Seaweed in them to leave your child’s skin feeling cared for. Matey formulations are also pH balanced and have been tested by dermatologists.”
“Matey is made for children aged 1 year and above. If the product is accidentally splashed in the eyes amidst all the fun, don't worry just rinse thoroughly with cool, clean water.”
Fun with Food
After reading (go take a look, another fantastic blog) I decided to make coloured pasta with Eva and Jack, for lunch!!!!

So we got out 2 saucepans, filled them with water, added some food colouring to each,Pink for Eva, Blue for Jack. Whilst i helped Jack stir his, Eva stirred hers. We then added the pasta, another quick mix and put them onto boil.
When the pasta was tender i drained off the water (i put mine to one side, you'll see why) and ran the pasta(in a seive) under the cold tap, to get rid of any excess food colouring, and also it cools it down so it can be eaten straight away. Usually i would add grated cheese, but I needed to do a big shop, so it's a good job my lovelys like plain pasta.
Whilst cooking the pasta i also did some hard boiled eggs.
When the eggs were cooked, i shelled them and then left them to cool down in the coloured water...The colour wasnt as vibrant as the pasta, but it still added some colour. If you crack the egg shell all over and put it in the water with the cracked shell on it gives a really funky effect.

Eva and Jack(and me) really enjoyed eating the pasta, Jack made a mess, but hey, he ate loads and really enjoyed it. Who said you can't make food fun.
Why not do a fun colour day. Choose a colour, or 2. Paint or colour some paper or card, then either cut into triangles to make party bunting, or cut into strips and make paper chains. Then colour your pasta and eggs(i'm going to experiment to see what other foods we can dye), and choose other coloured foods, Red apples, Green cucumber etc, and make a fun day of it. Why not have a picnic in the garden if its sunny, or even at the park. It can also give you the opportunity to get your children to try new foods they wouldnt usually eat...go round the fruit and veg isle in the supermarket, or go to a local farm shop and ask them to find fruits or vegetables in your chosen colour/s. You could even have a rainbow day, where your possibilites are endless.
My lovelys loved this, and for a fun treat it was great fun. Why not have a go!!!

So we got out 2 saucepans, filled them with water, added some food colouring to each,Pink for Eva, Blue for Jack. Whilst i helped Jack stir his, Eva stirred hers. We then added the pasta, another quick mix and put them onto boil.
When the pasta was tender i drained off the water (i put mine to one side, you'll see why) and ran the pasta(in a seive) under the cold tap, to get rid of any excess food colouring, and also it cools it down so it can be eaten straight away. Usually i would add grated cheese, but I needed to do a big shop, so it's a good job my lovelys like plain pasta.
Whilst cooking the pasta i also did some hard boiled eggs.
When the eggs were cooked, i shelled them and then left them to cool down in the coloured water...The colour wasnt as vibrant as the pasta, but it still added some colour. If you crack the egg shell all over and put it in the water with the cracked shell on it gives a really funky effect.

Eva and Jack(and me) really enjoyed eating the pasta, Jack made a mess, but hey, he ate loads and really enjoyed it. Who said you can't make food fun.
Why not do a fun colour day. Choose a colour, or 2. Paint or colour some paper or card, then either cut into triangles to make party bunting, or cut into strips and make paper chains. Then colour your pasta and eggs(i'm going to experiment to see what other foods we can dye), and choose other coloured foods, Red apples, Green cucumber etc, and make a fun day of it. Why not have a picnic in the garden if its sunny, or even at the park. It can also give you the opportunity to get your children to try new foods they wouldnt usually eat...go round the fruit and veg isle in the supermarket, or go to a local farm shop and ask them to find fruits or vegetables in your chosen colour/s. You could even have a rainbow day, where your possibilites are endless.
My lovelys loved this, and for a fun treat it was great fun. Why not have a go!!!
emmys mummy
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Graco Symbio Review - Part One
Well it arrived...I nearly kissed the delivery man, ooo so exciting. After a quick hoover(didn't want any crumbs getting on my new pride and joy did i) we opened the box(that is now currently, a den, a treehouse, and a rocket), which contained the seat unit, the hood, the chasis, and the carseat adapter. The frame already had the wheels attached, so quickly got it out of the packaging, which i would like to add that there was no excess packaging, which you often find, which is completely unneseccary, and that was it, we were free to play. I popped the seat onto the frame, smaller swivel wheels at the front, large inflatable wheels at the back, with the seat parent facing. Eva got straight in(she's 3 and a bit)

We had great fun wheeling it round the living room, i couldn't get over how light and easy it was to push. We tried flipping the handle over, and soon found it was simple to flip it over, lock the swivel wheels(they need to be locked if at the back) and carry on walking (i'll take and upload a video of this later on).
Then we tried Jack in it, after all it is his pushchair.

As you can see, this is with the handle flipped over and the big wheels at the front.
The quality of this pushchair is fantastic, and at the moment has the yummiest "new" smell. I still can't get over how light it is to push, and just how easy it is to manouvere.
Day 2, we ventured out, drove to morrisons, went to the cafe, then a walk through the village to the park.
We got to morrisons, no parent and child spaces, so found a "normal" space, and parked up, got the pushchair out, unclipped it and put the frame straight up, then popped the seat on, which is so simple to do, i was expecting it to be harder then it is, but you line up the connecters and push down and thats it.
Got the cafe, found a table, Jack went straight into a highchair, no way was he going to be eating in his new pushchair. I then put the pushchair in the space the highchair had come from which happened to be right by the kitchen door, and it didn'stick out, or get in the way of the staff walking past, so i was really pleased with that.
I was a bit dubious about the brake, being a pull up clip thing(technical term that is)on the handle, but it's genius, so simple. In the summer i'm a huge flip flop wearer, and foot brakes and flip flops are just not compatible. With this I can even do it whilst holding Eva's hand at the same time. Who would of thought i would be so excited and amazed by a pushchair brake. To put the brake on you pull the clip up, and to take it off you press a button on the side and flip the clip back down, so no danger of it getting knocked off.
Then put Jack back into the pushchair...with no struggling or crying, now that is novelty, as i'm usually holding him in with one hand, and strapping him in with the other.
Off we went to the park, Pushing Jack, Eva either helping push, using the big handle, or the bumper bar, or holding my hand, and we weren't tripping over each other, or me struggling to turn the pushchair whilst holding her hand, which happens alot when pushing a 2 handled pushchair.
Jack loves parent facing, which allowed the 3 of us to interact and have fun whilst walking. I wish i had gotten a parent facing pushchair sooner, it really is lovely.
So far, I am completely impressed and so over the moon with The symbio.
I will update in a few days time to let you know how we're getting on with it.
My only ask, that graco start making buggy boards, that are completely compatible with their fantastic pushchairs. xx

We had great fun wheeling it round the living room, i couldn't get over how light and easy it was to push. We tried flipping the handle over, and soon found it was simple to flip it over, lock the swivel wheels(they need to be locked if at the back) and carry on walking (i'll take and upload a video of this later on).
Then we tried Jack in it, after all it is his pushchair.

As you can see, this is with the handle flipped over and the big wheels at the front.
The quality of this pushchair is fantastic, and at the moment has the yummiest "new" smell. I still can't get over how light it is to push, and just how easy it is to manouvere.
Day 2, we ventured out, drove to morrisons, went to the cafe, then a walk through the village to the park.
We got to morrisons, no parent and child spaces, so found a "normal" space, and parked up, got the pushchair out, unclipped it and put the frame straight up, then popped the seat on, which is so simple to do, i was expecting it to be harder then it is, but you line up the connecters and push down and thats it.
Got the cafe, found a table, Jack went straight into a highchair, no way was he going to be eating in his new pushchair. I then put the pushchair in the space the highchair had come from which happened to be right by the kitchen door, and it didn'stick out, or get in the way of the staff walking past, so i was really pleased with that.
I was a bit dubious about the brake, being a pull up clip thing(technical term that is)on the handle, but it's genius, so simple. In the summer i'm a huge flip flop wearer, and foot brakes and flip flops are just not compatible. With this I can even do it whilst holding Eva's hand at the same time. Who would of thought i would be so excited and amazed by a pushchair brake. To put the brake on you pull the clip up, and to take it off you press a button on the side and flip the clip back down, so no danger of it getting knocked off.
Then put Jack back into the pushchair...with no struggling or crying, now that is novelty, as i'm usually holding him in with one hand, and strapping him in with the other.
Off we went to the park, Pushing Jack, Eva either helping push, using the big handle, or the bumper bar, or holding my hand, and we weren't tripping over each other, or me struggling to turn the pushchair whilst holding her hand, which happens alot when pushing a 2 handled pushchair.
Jack loves parent facing, which allowed the 3 of us to interact and have fun whilst walking. I wish i had gotten a parent facing pushchair sooner, it really is lovely.
So far, I am completely impressed and so over the moon with The symbio.
I will update in a few days time to let you know how we're getting on with it.
My only ask, that graco start making buggy boards, that are completely compatible with their fantastic pushchairs. xx
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Inspire Studio Portraits
Having been to Inspire twice for photo's, once Myself, Daz and 1 and a half year old Eva(and tiny bump Jack) and the second, Me, Eva and Jack, I can 100% recommend Inspire, and it's owner Mark Forrester.
Last week, my Mom had got a deal for a photo shoot, not at inspire, and the difference was unreal. The lady, obviously very good at her work from what i could see from all her work she had up on the way in, was what you would call, clueless when it came to young children. Trying to get them to stay still, to do the exact pose she wanted and stay in it etc. You try getting your 1 year old to do that...i think not.
Mark, who is very used to working with children, plus having children of his own, has the patience of a saint and is just brilliant with them.
He makes it fun, lets them play, and goes with them, making the photo's actual natural photo's and not the staged natural photo's the other lady was trying to do "and all do big belly laughs like someones told the funniest joke" hmmmmm ok lol.
Somehow, with running wild, over excited little ones Mark still manages to get amazing images, that it's so hard to chose which prints to go for. Alternatively you can have photo's put on a disc :-D
His prices are affordable, The studio is modern, friendly and inviting, as well as easy to find, and well sign posted from the centre of Aldridge.
If your local to Aldridge, and after professional, affordable photo's, i would 100% recommend Inspire. All details can be found here
(Once i find my disk i will add some of our photo's for you to see onto here)
Last week, my Mom had got a deal for a photo shoot, not at inspire, and the difference was unreal. The lady, obviously very good at her work from what i could see from all her work she had up on the way in, was what you would call, clueless when it came to young children. Trying to get them to stay still, to do the exact pose she wanted and stay in it etc. You try getting your 1 year old to do that...i think not.
Mark, who is very used to working with children, plus having children of his own, has the patience of a saint and is just brilliant with them.
He makes it fun, lets them play, and goes with them, making the photo's actual natural photo's and not the staged natural photo's the other lady was trying to do "and all do big belly laughs like someones told the funniest joke" hmmmmm ok lol.
Somehow, with running wild, over excited little ones Mark still manages to get amazing images, that it's so hard to chose which prints to go for. Alternatively you can have photo's put on a disc :-D
His prices are affordable, The studio is modern, friendly and inviting, as well as easy to find, and well sign posted from the centre of Aldridge.
If your local to Aldridge, and after professional, affordable photo's, i would 100% recommend Inspire. All details can be found here
(Once i find my disk i will add some of our photo's for you to see onto here)
Rosie's Walk 2011
Rosie's Walk is an annual local event set up in memory of school girl Rosie Ross. You can find out more info on the fantastic cause here or their facebook page!/pages/Rosies-Helping-Hands-Charitable-Trust/50217347347?sk=info
Having done Rosie's walk for the past few years, we weren't going to be put off by the wind and the rain today for the 10th Charity Walk and Festival. But after a hectic morning, Jack sleeping, Eva going shopping with Nanny, unfortuantely we were a bit late to join in with the walk.
We couldn't be kept away though, so headed down to see what fun things were happening at the festival.
We got there and Eva was in her element. First she wanted to go on the big bouncy slide, so that was me and her, slipping and sliding our way up in the rain, first go we slid down next to each other holding hands...resulting in 2 wet bottoms. So my clever little monkey decided it would be better, and dryer to sit on my lap for our next 2 goes.
Then onto the bouncy castle next. Jack and Daddy wandered off for a look around, so when she had finished off went went to go and find them. Had an icecream, mine ended up all in my hair thanks to the wind. As the festival is right next to the park, we wandered over and had half an hour playing there. Then back to the festival, for a go on the win everytime raffle. Jack got a huge inflatable ball, Eva got big bubbles. Then Eva wanted to go on the teacups ride, so being as Daz isn't one for rides, we got on. I did fear she was going to hate it, but she enjoyed in...until the man spun us, it went so fast she went white as a sheet and i thought she was going to be sick. He didnt spin us again and the ride finished soon after.
We had another wander round, looking at the stalls. Watched Jo Leigh School of Dance perform(note to self, must enquire about my little mover starting with them), got a drink, then Daz spotted the Indian Food stall. He was then a man on a mission to buy some samosa's, which i must say were delicious. The DJ was entertaining and played some fantastic music.
A huge well done to the organisers for all their hard work, as despite the weather it was still a fun filled family day out, everyone there to raise money for a fantastic cause.
Here is a list of what was on at the festival:
Onsite activities include:-
Circus Skills have a go at juggling, spinning plates, etc , 9 Hole Crazy Golf , Robo Challenge as seen at Gadget show Live , Glitter tatooists and face painters, Craft Activities for all ages, Nail art , Fun Fair
Refreshments including Rosie's Tea Tent, ice creams, snacks and burgers.
Entertainment on the stage:
Zumba with Lyndsay at 11.45am
Singer Natasha Blundell at 1.50 and 2.55pm
Jo Leigh School of Dance at 1.30 and 2.10pm
Leighswood Buskers - at 2.35pm for those that missed the on the walk
Walsall Band Bad Rabble from 3.15pm
DJ Stu Rhodes with music & competitions all day.
3 Crowns Garden Centre, Custard Confectionary - sweets, Ardor & Abode - homeware gifts and accessories , Lady Muck - plants, Bead Creative - bead jewellery ideal for your hols, Children's World of Books, Handmade cards and childrens Novelties
Anyone wanting to donate there are a number of way to do so, all of which are detailed here:
Having done Rosie's walk for the past few years, we weren't going to be put off by the wind and the rain today for the 10th Charity Walk and Festival. But after a hectic morning, Jack sleeping, Eva going shopping with Nanny, unfortuantely we were a bit late to join in with the walk.
We couldn't be kept away though, so headed down to see what fun things were happening at the festival.
We got there and Eva was in her element. First she wanted to go on the big bouncy slide, so that was me and her, slipping and sliding our way up in the rain, first go we slid down next to each other holding hands...resulting in 2 wet bottoms. So my clever little monkey decided it would be better, and dryer to sit on my lap for our next 2 goes.
Then onto the bouncy castle next. Jack and Daddy wandered off for a look around, so when she had finished off went went to go and find them. Had an icecream, mine ended up all in my hair thanks to the wind. As the festival is right next to the park, we wandered over and had half an hour playing there. Then back to the festival, for a go on the win everytime raffle. Jack got a huge inflatable ball, Eva got big bubbles. Then Eva wanted to go on the teacups ride, so being as Daz isn't one for rides, we got on. I did fear she was going to hate it, but she enjoyed in...until the man spun us, it went so fast she went white as a sheet and i thought she was going to be sick. He didnt spin us again and the ride finished soon after.
We had another wander round, looking at the stalls. Watched Jo Leigh School of Dance perform(note to self, must enquire about my little mover starting with them), got a drink, then Daz spotted the Indian Food stall. He was then a man on a mission to buy some samosa's, which i must say were delicious. The DJ was entertaining and played some fantastic music.
A huge well done to the organisers for all their hard work, as despite the weather it was still a fun filled family day out, everyone there to raise money for a fantastic cause.
Here is a list of what was on at the festival:
Onsite activities include:-
Circus Skills have a go at juggling, spinning plates, etc , 9 Hole Crazy Golf , Robo Challenge as seen at Gadget show Live , Glitter tatooists and face painters, Craft Activities for all ages, Nail art , Fun Fair
Refreshments including Rosie's Tea Tent, ice creams, snacks and burgers.
Entertainment on the stage:
Zumba with Lyndsay at 11.45am
Singer Natasha Blundell at 1.50 and 2.55pm
Jo Leigh School of Dance at 1.30 and 2.10pm
Leighswood Buskers - at 2.35pm for those that missed the on the walk
Walsall Band Bad Rabble from 3.15pm
DJ Stu Rhodes with music & competitions all day.
3 Crowns Garden Centre, Custard Confectionary - sweets, Ardor & Abode - homeware gifts and accessories , Lady Muck - plants, Bead Creative - bead jewellery ideal for your hols, Children's World of Books, Handmade cards and childrens Novelties
Anyone wanting to donate there are a number of way to do so, all of which are detailed here:
McCain Mexican Wedges:LTD Edition
When shopping in morrison's last week we got to the frozen section, over to the wedges, picked up some Lightly spiced McCain wedges, and then looked and spotted the Mexican Wedges.
Me and Daz thought they looked nice, so picked some up. We are already big fan's of McCain Frozen food(We do lots of home made, cooked from scratch meals, but that's not always practical with busy lifestyles)So I had an inkling they were going to be yummy.
A few day's later i was off out for tea at my Mom's with Eva and Jack, Daz rang me as he was leaving work to cook him some food. Thought Oh I know what I can cook him, Chicken and Wedges. The first ones i pulled out were the McCains Mexican Wedges:LTD Edition.
What they are:
"Our new limited edition Mexican Wedges are made from specially selected potatoes and seasoned with a palate tingling Mexican wave of flavour. Perfect for sharing with your family and amigos, they are ideal for parties or for just relaxing with a good movie."
First thing i noticed after putting them in the oven was the smell. It was mouthwatering. Not a word i use often, but this smell was delicious.
Daz got home and i plated them up, pinching one as soon as they were straight out the oven.
I have never tasted anything like these before, I could not get over the taste sensation, my tastebuds were having a party. Ok the straight out the oven temperature was far to hot, but did i learn my lesson and wait until they cooled down(remember these were Daz's wedges)? No, of course not, I just needed another...and another, and another.
Now i am completely addicted, Please McCain, you can not bring these into my life, as a limited edition product. What on earth will i do when they are no longer available to buy. I will have to stock up my freezer!
As you will see this is my first food review, but as soon as i tasted these wedges i knew i had to write about them. They are quite hot, but you can taste such a variety of spices and flavours, they really are amazing.
I would strongly encourage you to go out and buy some as soon as you can, you will not be disappointed.
Both myself and Daz would give these a 5/5 and I have already been recommending them to anyone and everyone.
Well done McCain on another outstanding product.
Me and Daz thought they looked nice, so picked some up. We are already big fan's of McCain Frozen food(We do lots of home made, cooked from scratch meals, but that's not always practical with busy lifestyles)So I had an inkling they were going to be yummy.
A few day's later i was off out for tea at my Mom's with Eva and Jack, Daz rang me as he was leaving work to cook him some food. Thought Oh I know what I can cook him, Chicken and Wedges. The first ones i pulled out were the McCains Mexican Wedges:LTD Edition.
What they are:
"Our new limited edition Mexican Wedges are made from specially selected potatoes and seasoned with a palate tingling Mexican wave of flavour. Perfect for sharing with your family and amigos, they are ideal for parties or for just relaxing with a good movie."
First thing i noticed after putting them in the oven was the smell. It was mouthwatering. Not a word i use often, but this smell was delicious.
Daz got home and i plated them up, pinching one as soon as they were straight out the oven.
I have never tasted anything like these before, I could not get over the taste sensation, my tastebuds were having a party. Ok the straight out the oven temperature was far to hot, but did i learn my lesson and wait until they cooled down(remember these were Daz's wedges)? No, of course not, I just needed another...and another, and another.
Now i am completely addicted, Please McCain, you can not bring these into my life, as a limited edition product. What on earth will i do when they are no longer available to buy. I will have to stock up my freezer!
As you will see this is my first food review, but as soon as i tasted these wedges i knew i had to write about them. They are quite hot, but you can taste such a variety of spices and flavours, they really are amazing.
I would strongly encourage you to go out and buy some as soon as you can, you will not be disappointed.
Both myself and Daz would give these a 5/5 and I have already been recommending them to anyone and everyone.
Well done McCain on another outstanding product.
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Graco Symbio, Winging its way to me
I was trying to catch up on my twitter account a few nights ago, and saw the link to graco babys facebook competition...What does summer mean to you?
It didn't take me long at all to thing of what to put, as it was easy: 'Summer means spending as much time outside as possible with my 2 gorgeous children, gardening our vegetable patch, picnics at the park, fun walks, splashing together in the paddling pool. Then when they are worn out in bed, relaxing enjoying the peace in the garden on a warm summer evening'
Then, honestly, i forgot i had even entered.
So today we got up, went to toddlers, then lunch in morrisons cafe before daz went to work, got home and jack went to sleep, Eva was engrossed in "Baby Jake" on cbeebies, so i thought i would just pop online, check my emails, and have a 2 min nosey on facebook at the same time. As soon as i logged in my chat box popped up, a friend saying "congratulations on winning".
I was rather confused, thinking she must of had the wrong person, when she said check out graco babys status.
I logged onto "And the winner who can now have a pick from the Graco catalogue is... Loren Peabody - well done Loren! We loved her answer 'Summer means spending as much time outside as possible with my 2 gorgeous children, gardening our vegetable patch, picnics at the park, fun walks, splashing together in the paddling pool. Then when they are worn out in bed, relaxing enjoying the peace in the garden on a warm summer evening'"
Well that was it, i started jumping for joy getting really excited.
I then received my email from graco baby, expecting it to say, you can chose from X Y or Z, or you can chose a product up to X amount, but no i had the choice of any product in their catalogue.
How cheeky did i feel as i sheepishly emailed back saying i would absolutely love, and be so honoured if i could have the graco symbio.
When pregnant with Jack i saw the symbio and it immediately caught my eye and i fell in love, being able to change child from forward facing to parent facing and back again...whilst they are still in the pushchair, amazing.
But i needed a double, as i did/do alot of walking and knew that although Eva liked walking, it just wasnt practical. I couldnt expect a just turned 2 year old to walk to the shops, around the shops and then back again, so i had my double.
So having the chance to have the pushchair that i dreamed of is just amazing, i am still on cloud nine and it feels so surreal.
Keep your eyes peeled, i will do some more reviewing blog posts with photos when it arrives :-D
So I just want to say the absolute biggest from the bottom of my heart thankyou to Graco Baby, you are truly amazing, and do generous. Keep up the good work!!!!
Loren xx
It didn't take me long at all to thing of what to put, as it was easy: 'Summer means spending as much time outside as possible with my 2 gorgeous children, gardening our vegetable patch, picnics at the park, fun walks, splashing together in the paddling pool. Then when they are worn out in bed, relaxing enjoying the peace in the garden on a warm summer evening'
Then, honestly, i forgot i had even entered.
So today we got up, went to toddlers, then lunch in morrisons cafe before daz went to work, got home and jack went to sleep, Eva was engrossed in "Baby Jake" on cbeebies, so i thought i would just pop online, check my emails, and have a 2 min nosey on facebook at the same time. As soon as i logged in my chat box popped up, a friend saying "congratulations on winning".
I was rather confused, thinking she must of had the wrong person, when she said check out graco babys status.
I logged onto "And the winner who can now have a pick from the Graco catalogue is... Loren Peabody - well done Loren! We loved her answer 'Summer means spending as much time outside as possible with my 2 gorgeous children, gardening our vegetable patch, picnics at the park, fun walks, splashing together in the paddling pool. Then when they are worn out in bed, relaxing enjoying the peace in the garden on a warm summer evening'"
Well that was it, i started jumping for joy getting really excited.
I then received my email from graco baby, expecting it to say, you can chose from X Y or Z, or you can chose a product up to X amount, but no i had the choice of any product in their catalogue.
How cheeky did i feel as i sheepishly emailed back saying i would absolutely love, and be so honoured if i could have the graco symbio.
When pregnant with Jack i saw the symbio and it immediately caught my eye and i fell in love, being able to change child from forward facing to parent facing and back again...whilst they are still in the pushchair, amazing.
But i needed a double, as i did/do alot of walking and knew that although Eva liked walking, it just wasnt practical. I couldnt expect a just turned 2 year old to walk to the shops, around the shops and then back again, so i had my double.
So having the chance to have the pushchair that i dreamed of is just amazing, i am still on cloud nine and it feels so surreal.
Keep your eyes peeled, i will do some more reviewing blog posts with photos when it arrives :-D
So I just want to say the absolute biggest from the bottom of my heart thankyou to Graco Baby, you are truly amazing, and do generous. Keep up the good work!!!!
Loren xx
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Breast vs bottle, cloth vs disposable, this vs that.
Seriously what is the huge issue here???? Everywhere you turn there is always a big debate going on, people trying to force their opinions on others. Surely what matters is that you have a well cared for, extremely loved baby?
Breast Feeding:
I breast fed both Eva and Jack, Eva until 13 months, Jack until 11 months, but i would never try to make anyone feel bad for bottle feeding...I chose to breastfeed, but i always had the attitude from the start, that if i couldnt do it or really struggled for whatever reason i would turn to formula.
Yes a mothers milk in tailored specifically for your baby, but if you cant, or for whatever reason chose not to breastfeed, formula milk is specifically made to suit babies.
Why can't people respect others decisions.
When i had Eva i would always find a baby feeding room in mothercare or such like, as i didn't feel confident in feeding her anywhere. That started to change a bit, but then having Jack i fed him anywhere and everywhere.
I think that anti-breastfeeders, who think breastfeeding, and more so breastfeeding in public is disgusting and shouldn't be allowed, need to take a good look at themselves and grow up. It is completely natural, believe it or not, that is the actual reason women have "boobs". I never had it happen to me, but i have heard so many stories about women being asked to move, or go sit in the toilet to breast feed their babies, yet the same people asking them to move, wouldn't even look twice at a baby being bottle fed in the same place.
Why can't people just accept, babies are fed in 2 ways, bottle and breast, and whichever way they are fed, both are perfectly "normal" and neither should be made to feel like they are a bad parent.
There are pro's and con's of both breastfeeding and bottle feeding, to name just a few,
breastmilk is there as soon as baby is hungry without the washing sterilising, making and heating of bottles.
Not all, but many breastfed babies, especially after say 2 months or so of being soley breastfed will refuse a bottle. So if you need to leave them, or even just to catch up on some sleep, you will end up being woke after x amount of time to feed a hungry upset baby.
Without going on, yes people are entitled to their opinions, but if they haven't got anything nice to say, then please, don't say anything at all...especially to a mother where her well looked after baby is concerned.
Another hot discussion topic is cloth nappies and disposables.
I used disposables on eva, Jack started in disposables but at 2 months old we started using cloth full time.
Again both have advantages and disadvantages, but surely it is a parents given right(as with feeding) to chose which type of nappy they decide to use?
I do think cloth should be more widely advertised, as its only when Jack, the biggest milk drinker going, was outweeing every brand of disposable i thought, right i need to try cloth nappies. Until then, as most people think, i was expecting the old terry towelling, nappy bins, soaking and all of that palava. Actually there still are terries, then theres prefolds, and then the main ones i use, all in one, for easiness this is a washable disposable. Pocket nappies, waterproof pul, with a top layer of fleece, that you "stuff" your absorbant insert into, and fitted nappies, which were a godsend at night for us, which is a abosrbant nappy and then a separate waterproof wrap. You can use reusable liners, or flushable liners, so if you used an all in one nappy, all you would do would be put a flushable liner on top, pop it on, and if theres a poo, take the nappy off, and tip the poo and liner down the toilet and flush, then put your nappy in your lidded bucket or wetbag until you do your nappy wash. You never run out of cloth nappies, and once you've bought your "stash" no need to buy anymore, unless of course you can't help but be tempted by the gorgeous designs.
But disposables, you put on, then throw away, even simpler.
With everything in life, everyone has, and are completely entitled to their own opinion on things. Just because something is what you do, that doesn't make what everyone else does wrong. Many things are not black and white with a definate right and wrong, in fact most things have so many different ways they can be done.
At the end of the day, lets face facts here, does it really matter to you what other people do, other peoples right way of doing things, i think not. As long as you are happy with what you're doing, and when it comes to parenting you have a happy, and well cared for, and incredibly loved child, surely that is all that matters. If only everyone could start excepting that, or at least stopped voicing unwanted and sometimes nasty opinions people would feel a lot better about themselves, and how they are chosing to raise their child/children.
(this post was long enough without going into even more pro's and con's etc)
Loren xx
Breast Feeding:
I breast fed both Eva and Jack, Eva until 13 months, Jack until 11 months, but i would never try to make anyone feel bad for bottle feeding...I chose to breastfeed, but i always had the attitude from the start, that if i couldnt do it or really struggled for whatever reason i would turn to formula.
Yes a mothers milk in tailored specifically for your baby, but if you cant, or for whatever reason chose not to breastfeed, formula milk is specifically made to suit babies.
Why can't people respect others decisions.
When i had Eva i would always find a baby feeding room in mothercare or such like, as i didn't feel confident in feeding her anywhere. That started to change a bit, but then having Jack i fed him anywhere and everywhere.
I think that anti-breastfeeders, who think breastfeeding, and more so breastfeeding in public is disgusting and shouldn't be allowed, need to take a good look at themselves and grow up. It is completely natural, believe it or not, that is the actual reason women have "boobs". I never had it happen to me, but i have heard so many stories about women being asked to move, or go sit in the toilet to breast feed their babies, yet the same people asking them to move, wouldn't even look twice at a baby being bottle fed in the same place.
Why can't people just accept, babies are fed in 2 ways, bottle and breast, and whichever way they are fed, both are perfectly "normal" and neither should be made to feel like they are a bad parent.
There are pro's and con's of both breastfeeding and bottle feeding, to name just a few,
breastmilk is there as soon as baby is hungry without the washing sterilising, making and heating of bottles.
Not all, but many breastfed babies, especially after say 2 months or so of being soley breastfed will refuse a bottle. So if you need to leave them, or even just to catch up on some sleep, you will end up being woke after x amount of time to feed a hungry upset baby.
Without going on, yes people are entitled to their opinions, but if they haven't got anything nice to say, then please, don't say anything at all...especially to a mother where her well looked after baby is concerned.
Another hot discussion topic is cloth nappies and disposables.
I used disposables on eva, Jack started in disposables but at 2 months old we started using cloth full time.
Again both have advantages and disadvantages, but surely it is a parents given right(as with feeding) to chose which type of nappy they decide to use?
I do think cloth should be more widely advertised, as its only when Jack, the biggest milk drinker going, was outweeing every brand of disposable i thought, right i need to try cloth nappies. Until then, as most people think, i was expecting the old terry towelling, nappy bins, soaking and all of that palava. Actually there still are terries, then theres prefolds, and then the main ones i use, all in one, for easiness this is a washable disposable. Pocket nappies, waterproof pul, with a top layer of fleece, that you "stuff" your absorbant insert into, and fitted nappies, which were a godsend at night for us, which is a abosrbant nappy and then a separate waterproof wrap. You can use reusable liners, or flushable liners, so if you used an all in one nappy, all you would do would be put a flushable liner on top, pop it on, and if theres a poo, take the nappy off, and tip the poo and liner down the toilet and flush, then put your nappy in your lidded bucket or wetbag until you do your nappy wash. You never run out of cloth nappies, and once you've bought your "stash" no need to buy anymore, unless of course you can't help but be tempted by the gorgeous designs.
But disposables, you put on, then throw away, even simpler.
With everything in life, everyone has, and are completely entitled to their own opinion on things. Just because something is what you do, that doesn't make what everyone else does wrong. Many things are not black and white with a definate right and wrong, in fact most things have so many different ways they can be done.
At the end of the day, lets face facts here, does it really matter to you what other people do, other peoples right way of doing things, i think not. As long as you are happy with what you're doing, and when it comes to parenting you have a happy, and well cared for, and incredibly loved child, surely that is all that matters. If only everyone could start excepting that, or at least stopped voicing unwanted and sometimes nasty opinions people would feel a lot better about themselves, and how they are chosing to raise their child/children.
(this post was long enough without going into even more pro's and con's etc)
Loren xx
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Saturday Mornings
This morning Daz left for work to do a 10 hour shift at 3.30 am. Then 4.30 and Eva went for a wee and Jack decided it was time to get up.
I remember a time when i would be getting home from a night out at 4.30, not getting up for the day.
So pre kids, a friday would be finish work, home shower, changed and out to the pub. Last night was cook homemade curry, have my mom and dad round, then bed at half 10. Before kids i would just be heading up to town to the clubs at half 10.
Club used to close at 3, then it would be over to get a burger and chips(with ALL the salad, except onions and tomatoes, we thought that was hilarious)then walk to get a taxi, talk to anyone and everyone, and then finally get home between 4 and 4.30, stopping in bed til at least lunchtime, getting up, going to get a mcdonalds hangover burger, chips and large diet coke, then going home to get showered before doing it all over again.
Now Saturdays consist of some very early mornings, messy breakfasts, fun bath times, changing nappies (and mopping up wee at nappy free time)playing tag up and down the living room, pretend ballet lessons, moaning, tears, laughing. If the weathers nice playing in my mom's garden(until we move to "the new house")or to feed the fish and the ducks at the garden centre, trip to the shops or the park, any work i need to do, and a couple of hours chilling between my lovelys going to bed and me going to bed.
Sometimes i do wish i could have a long lie in, but would i have my life any other way? Not a chance! Being a mommy can be such hard work, especially if you've got 2 grumps both wanting mommy, or whatever the other has, but it's the most amazing rewarding thing you will ever do, and sometime to truly cherish. When i had Eva and people told me to cherish every moment as it goes so fast i didnt believe them. Now shes 3 and Jacks 1 and sometimes i feel like i've blinked and missed it.
O well best be off, i'm being asked to do some "spinarooneys" and starjumps. O and need to have a good tidy up at somepoint...but lets face it,
"Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth
empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
hang out the washing and butter the bread,
sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I've grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue
(lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
(pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).
The shopping's not done and there's nothing for stew
and out in the yard there's a hullabaloo
but I'm playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren't her eyes the most wonderful hue?
(lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
I hope that my child, looking back on today
Will remember a mother who had time to play;
Because children grow up while you're not looking,
There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep."
I remember a time when i would be getting home from a night out at 4.30, not getting up for the day.
So pre kids, a friday would be finish work, home shower, changed and out to the pub. Last night was cook homemade curry, have my mom and dad round, then bed at half 10. Before kids i would just be heading up to town to the clubs at half 10.
Club used to close at 3, then it would be over to get a burger and chips(with ALL the salad, except onions and tomatoes, we thought that was hilarious)then walk to get a taxi, talk to anyone and everyone, and then finally get home between 4 and 4.30, stopping in bed til at least lunchtime, getting up, going to get a mcdonalds hangover burger, chips and large diet coke, then going home to get showered before doing it all over again.
Now Saturdays consist of some very early mornings, messy breakfasts, fun bath times, changing nappies (and mopping up wee at nappy free time)playing tag up and down the living room, pretend ballet lessons, moaning, tears, laughing. If the weathers nice playing in my mom's garden(until we move to "the new house")or to feed the fish and the ducks at the garden centre, trip to the shops or the park, any work i need to do, and a couple of hours chilling between my lovelys going to bed and me going to bed.
Sometimes i do wish i could have a long lie in, but would i have my life any other way? Not a chance! Being a mommy can be such hard work, especially if you've got 2 grumps both wanting mommy, or whatever the other has, but it's the most amazing rewarding thing you will ever do, and sometime to truly cherish. When i had Eva and people told me to cherish every moment as it goes so fast i didnt believe them. Now shes 3 and Jacks 1 and sometimes i feel like i've blinked and missed it.
O well best be off, i'm being asked to do some "spinarooneys" and starjumps. O and need to have a good tidy up at somepoint...but lets face it,
"Mother, oh Mother, come shake out your cloth
empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
hang out the washing and butter the bread,
sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I've grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue
(lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
(pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo).
The shopping's not done and there's nothing for stew
and out in the yard there's a hullabaloo
but I'm playing Kanga and this is my Roo.
Look! Aren't her eyes the most wonderful hue?
(lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo).
I hope that my child, looking back on today
Will remember a mother who had time to play;
Because children grow up while you're not looking,
There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep."
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