We had great fun wheeling it round the living room, i couldn't get over how light and easy it was to push. We tried flipping the handle over, and soon found it was simple to flip it over, lock the swivel wheels(they need to be locked if at the back) and carry on walking (i'll take and upload a video of this later on).
Then we tried Jack in it, after all it is his pushchair.

As you can see, this is with the handle flipped over and the big wheels at the front.
The quality of this pushchair is fantastic, and at the moment has the yummiest "new" smell. I still can't get over how light it is to push, and just how easy it is to manouvere.
Day 2, we ventured out, drove to morrisons, went to the cafe, then a walk through the village to the park.
We got to morrisons, no parent and child spaces, so found a "normal" space, and parked up, got the pushchair out, unclipped it and put the frame straight up, then popped the seat on, which is so simple to do, i was expecting it to be harder then it is, but you line up the connecters and push down and thats it.
Got the cafe, found a table, Jack went straight into a highchair, no way was he going to be eating in his new pushchair. I then put the pushchair in the space the highchair had come from which happened to be right by the kitchen door, and it didn'stick out, or get in the way of the staff walking past, so i was really pleased with that.
I was a bit dubious about the brake, being a pull up clip thing(technical term that is)on the handle, but it's genius, so simple. In the summer i'm a huge flip flop wearer, and foot brakes and flip flops are just not compatible. With this I can even do it whilst holding Eva's hand at the same time. Who would of thought i would be so excited and amazed by a pushchair brake. To put the brake on you pull the clip up, and to take it off you press a button on the side and flip the clip back down, so no danger of it getting knocked off.
Then put Jack back into the pushchair...with no struggling or crying, now that is novelty, as i'm usually holding him in with one hand, and strapping him in with the other.
Off we went to the park, Pushing Jack, Eva either helping push, using the big handle, or the bumper bar, or holding my hand, and we weren't tripping over each other, or me struggling to turn the pushchair whilst holding her hand, which happens alot when pushing a 2 handled pushchair.
Jack loves parent facing, which allowed the 3 of us to interact and have fun whilst walking. I wish i had gotten a parent facing pushchair sooner, it really is lovely.
So far, I am completely impressed and so over the moon with The symbio.
I will update in a few days time to let you know how we're getting on with it.
My only ask, that graco start making buggy boards, that are completely compatible with their fantastic pushchairs. xx
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