Tuesday 30 August 2011

Gloop fun

What you need

Cover everything!!!If your doing it up to table a waterproof table cloth is a good idea, likewise if your doing it on the floor cover everything. Aprons are also a good idea.

Slowly mix together water with cornflour.
It will seem really hard to mix, but once you start playing with it it will go from hard as your pick it up, to completely runny and pouring out your hands.

We started with ours in a bowl, but it ended up on the highchair tray.

Jack didn't like it at all, which i think was the texture, but me and Eva got stuck in and Eva loved playing with it, and watching as she picked it up and it was hard, then it turning runny and her dripping it everywhere.

This is messy, but its great fun. If youve got a toy tea set or plastic cups you can have great fun picking up and dripping the gloop into the cups.

Definately worth getting some cornflour in for a rainy day. Or do it in the garden on a sunny day :-D

Loren xx

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